Later today I left a rock at in the big pumpkin at the pumpkin patch. After the beach and a fun dinner at Rubys, we took the Lee's to "PATCHIN TIME" (that is what Abbey alwasy called the Pumkin city). Just when we thought we had seen the last of those days. Abbey was OVER going to the pumkin patch. How fun it was to go again and see the magic in a small childs eyes. I even caught some in Abbey "teen" eyes. And of course so fun to enjoy it with our cousins. Gabby was so... excited to ride the pony. Sorry tired little horses. Abbey even won a big pumpkin for a quarter. Thank you God for PUMPKINS!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Day 14
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Day 13
Ok, so NO I do not remember to take a rock with me EVERY day. Some days I do remember but forget to leave it where I meant to. I do not even always get to post these the same day I do it. But I do keep a list on a pad by my desk and post when i find time. The POINT is to remember the blessings God gave me or how He spoke to me or shined his light on me.
So to HELP myself remember to count my days as joy and leave my ROCK's i left one on my desk today by my computer. Yes I count my computer as a joy because it allows me to connect with many dear friends. I have given and receive so much through email. Use what God gives you. If you think of someone send them a note and tell them. You never know what kind of day they are having and just one little piece of non work or junk email may be just what they needed. Put a rock on your desk today :)
Day 12
Today I left my rock on the sidewalk outside Lakeside Chinese Cuisine in Mission Veijo. The gals in my couples small group had "ladies day out". The food and service was good as well as a good deal. After lunch we walked over to Flo Jo park and walked about 4 laps. It is always good to get out with great friends and enjoy a beautiful day. Thanks ladies.
Day 11
Day 10
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Day 9
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 8

Today was hard to decide where to leave my rock but it ended up in the parking lot of Wells Fargo Bank. We (Gabby and) started off by going to see her Pediatrician, Dr. Wong. She had her 3 year old check up. She was not very happy about the flu shot. She has grown so....much in the last year and a half. She is 39 inches(85%) and 34 pounds(75%). She is definately leaving being a baby. :( Then we made several stops to ....2 libraries, 2 Michaels (yep for 2 more boxes) then to Wells Fargo where we finally open Gabby her own savings account. She is such a big girl now.
Day 7

Today I dropped my rock in the parking lot at Michael's. I was so...excited about the deal I got. I was able to get something I have been looking for a while but could not find nor afford what I REALLY wanted. These boxes are for a new idea I found in looking for ways to be more organized and have less clutter. I used a 50% off coupon. Thanks Jana for the tip of checking out slickdeals. Oh and we also found some fall muffin liners so we can try out the PURE PUMPKIN MUFFINS. The ingredients are just sitting on the counter.
Day 6
This evening i left my rock at Chipotle. OH how i love their chips! I met with my dear friend Ange. I have known her for about 8 years. She may be younger then me but has been very much a part of my growth in Christ. She got me to do things and go places (Brazil, Mexico, Kazakhstan... speaking at PDCM) I never would have dreamed and because of that I was able to be used by God. Sadly I do not get to spend as much time with Ange as I use to so it was a special time. Thank you God for putting Ange in my life.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Day 5

Today was the first day of Treasured (bible study for moms with little ones) at church. Funny how God always gets me where He wants me and has me hear what I need to. As I have been trying to work on spending more time with HIM and focus on Him, What is the study for this season?????? Time Management. God is funny. Anyway after I dropped Gabby off at her class I left my Rock over near the Children's building. It was a great day. I saw old friends and met new ones. I am looking forward to hearing from God.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 4
This afternoon i dropped my rock in Abbeys school bag. I had been thinking about her all day today. This morning she woke up about 5:45am to go to the gym with Mike. This is like the 3rd time she has done this. Since school started she has been doing very good at getting up in the morning. For whatever reason she was on my mind allot during the day. I just kept smiling about our weekend and just what a great kid she is. So i wanted to remember today and how proud I am of the young lady she has become. I love you ABZ!
Day 3
Today I left my rock on the curb where sat with Gabby waiting for the church shuttle bus (Mr. Craigs bus to be exact). The great thing about taking the shuttle is the free donuts. Gabby always goes for the ones with chocolate and sprinkles. On this day as i watched her i was thinking how blessed we are. How differant our lives are with her. Thanks God for Mr. Craig and sprinkled donuts.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day 2
Today was an awesome day. I left my rock at the top of EDNA SPAULDING trail in O'Neil Park. Our family when on a spontainious hike and had a great time. We packed up a quick "Olsson"(only our family will get this) lunch and headed out. We hiked about .8 miles. I was very impressed at how Gabby did. Abbey was a great sister and helped Gabby out when she got tired. I love to watch and listen to them. I was reminded of beauty of God's creation. I think we would all love to do more of this. Thanks God for my family and beauty all around us.
Day 1

Today i finally remembered my rock! I left it in the chair on the patio at Starbucks. I thought it only fitting that since Jana was my inspiration I should leave at Starbucks where she, Gabby and I met for coffee.
NO, i did not give Gabby coffee. She had "appy-juice" and a "weely big cookie". I love Jana and her whole family.
I met Jana when her son, Chase was in 2ND grade and joined our Breakout group (he is now in 9th). I was his Breakout leader till 6Th grade. I also had the opportunity to go on a mission trip with her son Josh and her husband Mike to Mexico (good time). I have watched both of her boys grow into FINE young men. This is a family that has inspired me in so many ways. Thank you God for putting them in my life. The Millers ROCK!
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