Where did I get the 100 rocks idea?

Well......i got it from my friend Jana who got it from a college student friend of hers like this....

President Jon Wallace spoke at an end of the year chapel for Azusa Pacific University. He talked about making your summer count. He challenged the students to leave a stone somewhere every day, keep a log of where it was left and a story to go with it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 5

Today was the first day of Treasured (bible study for moms with little ones) at church. Funny how God always gets me where He wants me and has me hear what I need to. As I have been trying to work on spending more time with HIM and focus on Him, What is the study for this season?????? Time Management. God is funny. Anyway after I dropped Gabby off at her class I left my Rock over near the Children's building. It was a great day. I saw old friends and met new ones. I am looking forward to hearing from God.

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