Where did I get the 100 rocks idea?

Well......i got it from my friend Jana who got it from a college student friend of hers like this....

President Jon Wallace spoke at an end of the year chapel for Azusa Pacific University. He talked about making your summer count. He challenged the students to leave a stone somewhere every day, keep a log of where it was left and a story to go with it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 3

Today I left my rock on the curb where sat with Gabby waiting for the church shuttle bus (Mr. Craigs bus to be exact). The great thing about taking the shuttle is the free donuts. Gabby always goes for the ones with chocolate and sprinkles. On this day as i watched her i was thinking how blessed we are. How differant our lives are with her. Thanks God for Mr. Craig and sprinkled donuts.

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