Where did I get the 100 rocks idea?

Well......i got it from my friend Jana who got it from a college student friend of hers like this....

President Jon Wallace spoke at an end of the year chapel for Azusa Pacific University. He talked about making your summer count. He challenged the students to leave a stone somewhere every day, keep a log of where it was left and a story to go with it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 14

Today I left 2 rocks (I am always forgetting so I thought it was ok). I left the first one at the Laguna Beach when we went to watch the sunset with the Lee's. Our cousins came down from Bakersfield for a visit. We finally got to meet little Elli. It was so fun to out run the waves and watch Gabby and Mike play in the water. Abbey seems to just love to sit and watch the waves and soak in the beauty. Thanks God for the beach, cousins and my family.

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